Si tu désires la prière des Croyants du monde entier ; si tu souhaites offrir des encouragements et partager des versets d’Écriture, écris ici. Tu peux aussi donner des infos pertinentes. En raison du volume de messages, tous ne peuvent être publiés, mais beaucoup le seront. Aucun d’entre eux ne sera perdu ou considéré comme sans importance, même s’il n’est pas posté. Ne quitte pas cette page sans avoir prié pour ceux qui ont posté et Participé. L'Esprit ET l'Epouse disent : « Viens! Seigneur Jésus ! »
Que l'Agneau reçoive la récompense de Ses souffrances et que la planète plie le genou devant Lui !
Essayez si possible de poster en anglais pour qu'un plus grand nombre de lecteurs vous comprenne.
Amen to E....
Thank you for posting this. This humble, pure, and beautiful heart attitude toward Jesus, His People and others, has God's Blessing, Favor, and Smile. May the Lord richly Bless you E...
My heart attitude, unfortunately, in a good bit of my previous post was the opposite. Please forgive me. Jesus rebuked me very strongly about it, and I've asked Him to forgive me too.
In His Mercy, by directing me to 'Crushing Silent Revelry', Jesus brought an awareness to me of 6 major areas of my life that needed to change IMMEDIATELY:
Issues of sensuality in hair style and modesty in dress; being addicted to and fueled by 'feel-good' feelings associated with appearance, and accomplishment in the works of my hands; the constant 'vocal motor' fueling 'self' throughout the day; and the deception that sets in by not walking in love and seeing myself as a servant, but as 'one to be served'. Yuck:(
Though i have begun to change in these areas, and am offering them to Jesus as gifts, please pray with me that He would complete the Work that He began.
Thanks again...
Grateful - Through this website and your app, your passion for Jesus has truly given me a zeal for the Father's house and a longing to see the reality of such a 'house' in my locality. Prayer - Please continue to pray for me for wisdom on how to practically love my neighbors and the people in my life in Jesus' name and for Jesus' sake. As well as the humility to share what I'm gleaning on this website.
For those in the Indianapolis/Midwest area, If the Lord wills, I would love to meet some of you one day! Let your light so shine and may your love, commitment and devotion to Jesus and to His family in your locality keep impacting believers worldwide.
As I've put into practice what I'm learning from the resources in the past few months my heart is changing, my life is changing. Can't wait to see what fruit I reap in 6 months from now as I keep sowing :) -E
Thank you all so much!!!
i just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! to everyone either directly or indirectly involved with the JLT website, as well as all of those from both 8 and 20 years back that Jesus used to plant the original Seeds of His Kingdom in my life. Although i knew about the Kingdom all those years back, i couldn’t really clearly See it until more recently. Through the Bible Stories, and by applying their Life Lessons, the Kingdom seemed to get closer, bigger, and more and more Real...
Prayer for Son
Please pray for my son. He is adopted and I am a single mom. (Lord, forgive me of any Ishmael efforts). This is tougher than I had imagined. God has provided so much but my son is blinded and lured by this world at present. He wants religion but pray he sees and embraces the rich resource that Father is and that He lovingly melts and embraces the BEST ABBA he could ever have to worship.
RE: lady with ouchy tummy
I'm not sure when this was posted, and how things are currently coming along in this situation, but these are a few thoughts that hopefully might be encouraging to All. Though i am not familiar with this type of suffering personally, we do know that our Daddy in Heaven is a Healer:). Jesus spent a whole lot of time healing people for a reason--at the very least to reveal Father's heart about the matter. So on that note, we stand together in faith that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD (Matt. 19:26). Beyond this, we see a VERY different view of suffering coming from Paul's letter to the Corinthians, when he writes, "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions in distresses FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. For when I am weak then I am strong." (1Cor. 12:8-10). Regarding God's response to the hurting, we see in the Psalms that, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Ps. 34:19) In addition, when Jesus was at the height of His pain on the cross, He prayed, "Father, forgive them..."(Luke 23:34) Considering all these things, perhaps we can see "pain" and "suffering" as an OPPORTUNITY rather than a curse. When we are afflicted, it seems as if, like any good parent, our Heavenly Daddy draws close to us, and wants to help. The degree to which we suffer, i believe, is the degree to which He draws close. In the seen realm, we don't 'feel' it, but in the unseen realm, IT IS TRUE!!! So, regardless of the type of suffering, or the degree of the pain, perhaps it is a rare but POWERFUL opportunity to offer a Gift to Jesus by praying for OTHERS at that very moment, when our Heavenly Daddy draws near. Perhaps?? -S
The lady with ouchy tummy
I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer back in Jan. 2020. I received conventional treatment for it and my body responded pretty well to the meds. It was a gift from Jesus - I know that full well. Fast forward two years and I gave birth to my second child. What a wonderful gift that experience was! Now, I find myself struggling through complications of the cancer which never went into remission, having flare-ups of pancreatitis which can be excruciating. I have learned to be tough and bear my own burden as it pertains to not having a whiney attitude, sharing only with my husband and a couple close people for prayer and encouragement. I am at a crisis point where I want so badly to just have a break from the pain. It is pretty awful sometimes and I grow weary of the fight. I have found myself in a perpetual state of needing God's grace just to make breakfast for my little family or do small tasks. He gives it, he does. But I am asking with trembling faith if he would heal me completely, that my organs and blood would be restored to a normal state. I love my husband and children and they are so kind and patient with me. I want to be well and healthy for them. They are treasures that Jesus gave me. -J
RE: Prayer Request
I am a person with a strong personality and sometimes I follow impulses to argue with people. There is a great expenditure of energy and a waste of time that I could spend loving my neighbor. Please pray for me for Jesus to change my heart. Thank you. E
I don't know what would become of me and my family without this site, for the many teachings and gifts that God has given you, dear brothers from Indianapolis. Thank you very much. Many glories to Jesus for you existing and for our lives being connected.
RE: The fight for the GLORY of Christ
Thank you for your heart!
The fight for the GLORY of Christ
Good morning brothers and sisters in our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.
I discovered your Website few days and it was such a blessing for me, and I'm convinced that God led me to this site to confirm that the fight that I'm fighting is true.
Men don't stealing the Glory of God and also put those that Christ has delivered from sin and slavery in prison. A little leaven is sufficient to steal God's Glory. In the church today Christ is not the center, we have men who call themselves "men of God" and the rest of the members are just the mass. They are not men or women of God only the Clergy. I've been fighting for almost 2 years now for the truth that proceeds from God. The opposition is terrifying, truth is has become lies and lies truth for most people that are in the so called church today.
This Website helped me understand so many things in just few days, what I felt in my heart has been confirmed. Those who want to be treated as master, guide, father and so on are very angry.
Please pray for me so that the truth of God could be victorious over the lives of all of us in my area. The truth will always be victorious and all knees will bow down to our Lord and King -- Jesus Christ forever.
I'm nothing but his compassion was deep enough to save a sworm from his pains, he delivered from so many addictions and evil desires. The greatest thing he did was that day, that we call "TODAY" , he went with that cross upon this mount to be crucified.
Jesus is everything, No one should try stealing his glory. To him be the Glory forever and ever amen! -j
Life in Christ
Good morning dear friends in Christ. I want to be free from a suffocating religiosity, and to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ every day. I no longer want to confuse "knowledge" with "relationship". I want to be and do what the Lord Jesus wants, and not just be known as a good Christian, and that has no impact or meaning for the people around me. I want to live for the Lord, love Him and be totally His, without denominational barriers, or anything that excludes anyone from the kingdom because of the colors of their church. Could you please pray for me? Thank you beloved brothers! -r
Update on Wife's Health
My wife is doing so much better and already into her six month! This second pregnancy has been nothing short of miraculous as she has kept worshipping and trusting Jesus through each day. We look forward to welcoming our baby girl in May!! Thank you to all who prayed for us. We can see the blessing. He is so good!
Wife's Health
My wife is suffering from gall bladder issues (at times she experiences sharp pain). She is getting an ultrasound to look inside and better understand what may be happening. She is struggling through this along with being in the first trimester of pregnancy, which brings its own challenges. Thanks for your prayers, and that may my wife would continue to keep her eyes on and trust in Jesus.-j
Daughter: facial tics, blurred vision, headaches, ASD
Our youngest is @ Dr now for facial tics, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches. Has Hypothyroid condition & likely on the Autism spectrum. We're also trying to consider how to let her know about her autism ( & consider how to prepare her for her future when her parents leave this planet). Dr ordered a MRI (to rule out a tumor, I believe). So this has taken center stage for now... Appreciate your prayers again for this young lady & God's plan for her. -b
A Precious Song
Wanted to share a very precious song. My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C Mullin -m
Wife's health
Dear Brothers and sisters, please lift my wife (Vickie) in your prayers. She is a colorectal cancer survivor. We battled her cancer from 2015 through 2017, and other than some side affects from the chemo/radiation, she is alive and well. She has been struggling lately though and is it see the Gastrologist this coming Wednesday. Thank you for your prayers. -j
Thankful for daughter's eye exam results
Thank you for posting for so many to pray for our younger daughter's spot on back of eye. Dr said turned out it was just scarring and she was not concerned that it was a tumor after the scan. Our young lady has had a number of health issues & we're so grateful to Jesus & you-all for loving her. -b
Daughter's eye has a spot of concern
We'd appreciate greatly, your prayers for our younger daughter. She's had plenty of health issues, most recently the eye Dr saw a significant spot on the back of her eyeball. Today daughter goes in for a special scan of the eye to determine how serious the issue is & what next step ( if any ) is. Thank you for your kindness towards her, us. -b
Prayer Request
Praising the Lord for sparing my husband's life a year ago in a motorcycle accident. He suffered a traumatic brain injury, but has made tremendous progress. However, the last 2 weeks we have seen regression as he is suffering from extreme depression. I would appreciate the prayers of the body of Christ. He needs a healing touch and I need wisdom.
Family in Christ
Family in Christ, Please pray for me as on the 1st I turn 40, only 4 years in the Lord, I come from a Hindu family, only saved member in my family. Not sure what Lord demands from me but one thing is for sure that my whole life from the time of my birth in India as a girl child rejected since birth leading to my wasted 20's in London and wasting away of my early thirties as a self absorbed arrogant currency broker in Australia, finally at 35 1 month after my darling papa's death I met Jesus thanks to the evils spirits that pretended to be my father who led me to Jesus. Now after leaving the money markets behind me I am here in a shabby house teaching kids in India for the last 2 years.. no saving, no youthfulness behind me, I don't know what Lord has in store but I know it's wonderful for He is forever faithful Pray for me And salvation of my Mumma and 2 brothers who think I am racing mad to be living like a beggar in India :) Glory be to God, all things are possible by His grace if He can do this in my life in barely 4 years :)
Thanksgiving to Jesus for His Kindness!
Update for "prayer request for baby's health" Our son is now 15 months old and has since gained more weight and doing soooo much better. Still working on little dietary kinks, but Jesus provided above and beyond what we expected in help from His people near us and just bringing us to a place of total openness and reliance upon Him for our darling boy's life and health. Jesus is ALTOGETHER Wondrous! -j and j
Prayer for neighbors
Would really appreciate prayers for me and the other believers I walk with to have much wisdom and that God's supernatural power would come forth as we talk with the neighbors here on our street. We want to show them who the person of Jesus is and not just be another "nice neighbor" which is so common especially during these COVID-19 days. Jesus is anything but ordinary and doesn't just do "good deeds" for people. We want his current thoughts, his Life, his power and unmatchable Love to emanate for the unbelievers on this street. -cc
These Men Had Been With Jesus
Appreciated this scripture. It's very awesome and encouraging to me that God likes to take the weakest of people and do more than we can "ask or imagine" - if we will care, learn, be dependent upon Jesus for everything, and be faithful to do our part (big or small, wherever we are, with many or few). "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13
Prayer Request for Relative
A cousin was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and told she had 4 months to live. We live out of state, but are told that her family has asked that no one to contact her, but to please pray. Please help us pray for her, and that she will trust Jesus through this? -BJ
Prayer Request for Baby's Health
My wife and I are asking for prayer for our 5-month old who is not gaining weight or growing as much as would be expected. The doctors suspect an allergy of some sort, but we cannot determines what it is. Jesus knows all that is happening and He could take away whatever is happening in a heartbeat. We are trusting Him through the process.
Jesus' Torch
We are pleading with God to separate flesh and Spirit in a situation with a family in our neighborhood. Would you please pray with us that despite our immaturity and lack of gifts that God would shine His Light and we would see what Heaven Sees and Jesus would have His Way. We want Humility and Wisdom and Change!!! For His Glory! Thank you!
Please prayers for a friend
Asking that you pray for a friend who recently had a close relative pass away. She claims to be a Christian and pray that this draws her and her family closer to Jesus.
Excerpts from: The Blood of the Lamb the Conquering Weapon by Charles Spurgeon
"Now is your opportunity for overcoming through the blood of the Lamb. When the accuser has said his say and charged you with all your sins, do not be ashamed to step forward and say, "But I have an Advocate as well as an accuser. O Jesus, my Savior, speak for me!" When He speaks, what does He plead but His own blood? "For all these sins I have made atonement," He says. "All these iniquities were laid on me in the day of the Lord's anger, and I have taken them away." Brothers and sisters, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's dear Son, cleanses us from all sin. Jesus has borne the penalty we deserved: He has paid for us upon the cross all our debts to the justice of God, and we are free forever, because our Surety suffered in our place. Where is the accuser now? That dragon voice is silenced by the blood of the Lamb. Nothing else can ever silence the accuser's cruel voice but the voice of the blood that tells of the infinite God accepting the sacrifice which He himself supplied on our behalf. Justice decrees that the sinner is forgiven, because the accepted substitute has taken the sin in His own body on the tree. Come, brother or sister, the next time you have to deal with satan as an accuser in heavenly places, be careful to defend yourself with no weapon but the atonement. All comfort drawn from inward feelings or outward works will fall short. But the bleeding wounds of Jesus will plead with a full and overwhelming argument and answer all the charges. "Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." Who, then, shall accuse the child of God? Every accuser will be overcome by the invincible argument of the blood of the Lamb. As for those of you who are not saved, your hope lies in the blood of the Lamb. "Come, guilty souls, and flee away, Like doves, to Jesus' wounds." The atoning sacrifice, which is our glory, is your salvation. Trust in him whom God has set forth to be the sacrifice for sin. Begin with this, and you are saved. Every good and holy thing which goes with salvation will follow after; but now, this day, I pray you receive a current salvation through the blood of the Lamb. "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.""
Please pray
Please pray that Jesus will make me very sensitive to His Spirit and I won't get dragged away by the world and this seen realm. I can feel my heart being drawn to the world in different ways but I live for something bigger. I was bought for a price to live for Heaven not this seen realm and be caught up in this wicked world. Please ask that my heart will stay true to my Saviour and not be stolen by the world. Jesus will always be my First Love!
Request for prayer
Please pray that God would pour out His Wisdom upon myself and the Brothers and Sisters I walk with daily. That God would equip us and show us the Work He has in mind for us, that He would send Laborers into the field and pour out His Gifts upon us, and that He would work Supernaturally and Extravagantly in our midst and in our city--to the praise of His Glory. Please pray that He would Shepherd His little sheep here and lead us by the hand into His will and purpose for our lives. Maranatha!
Thanks for all your prayers & Recent encouragement
Thank you all for your prayers both regarding the recent request and also one sent a while back. The LORD is answering these prayers. Though some difficult and hurtful things happened last week, some encouragement from the 'Sing Oh Barren Woman' teaching, lifted me up out of my current situation into a totally different realm. Hope this might help encourage someone else: (paraphrased)"God is showing us our barrenness and poverty of spirit out of His devotion and mercy toward us....If we will worship Him and sing in the midst of it, this creates a pathway for Jesus to do a miracle in our lives....Turn to Him in faith....Though things haven't worked out well for you and you're afflicted, humiliated, reproached, and are suffering...SING OH BARREN WOMAN....If He spared not His own Son, how much more will He give you all things?....though you don't have it yet GOD IS FAITHFUL, HE WILL KEEP HIS PROMISE....He will come through for you....He is not teasing you, but put you on a course, and shown you His plan so that He will prove faithful to His covenant.... It will take some time, pain perseverance and faith, but GOD WOULD NOT HAVE SENT YOU HIS WORD IF HE DIDN'T INTEND TO FULFILL IT...." -Thanks for this:)
Bantu lah saya dengan Doa saudara
Anak saya Revaldo Junior latupeirissa sedang Berada di rscm jakarta pusat, sudah 1 minggu di rawat inap di gedung A. Anak saya mengidap penyakit leukimia akut tipe AML dengan fonis 5 sampai 10 persen tingkat kesembuhan. Mohon bantuan doa kepada Tuhan Yesus Supaya Tuhan berkenan menyembuhkan anak saya dari penderitaan nya.
My son is a Junior Revaldo latupeirissa rscm was in Central jakarta, was already 1 week of inpatient care in building A. My children suffered from acute leukemia AML-type disease with fonis 5 to 10 percent rates of healing. Please help a prayer to the Lord Jesus Lest the Lord wills to heal my child from suffering. Thanks
Help me
My son, Revaldo Junior, is currently in latupeirissa Located at the Central Jakarta RSCM, it has been hospitalized for 1 week in Building A. My child has an acute leukemia type AML with a 5 to 10 percent penalty. Please help prayer to the Lord Jesus so that God will heal my child from suffering. Thank you
Prayers, Finland
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Please pray for a man from Finland, who has a brain disease. Pray that the God would touch him and heal him, help him and his family. Thank you for your prayers and help, the wife. -Finland.
Dear Sir, Loving greetings. Please, Pray for me and my family members in your special and fasting prayers. Please, Pray for good sleep in night time.No, sleep in night time from 20 years. Please, Pray for good financial blessings. I'm depending upon my wife job from 25 years. Please, Pray God remove all loan problems and wicked people attacks very, very.... soon. Kindly, reply God answers only. -kvs
Keeping in Touch
I greet you in Jesus Christ name. I thank God to connect with you.I'm Pastor...from Kenya,Africa pastoring a church here.I love your ministry and i would love to be in touch and to have a hand of fellowship in the Lords vineyard.I would also love to keep in connections with you in the service of the Lord.Let us keep in touch as we work and serve God.God bless you.
The Grain of Sand
The grain of sand... lost amongst the sea of homogeneity, Collectively, they populate the shore that profiles the ocean, Tossed and tumbled, their deterioration by the waves is reality, This is the life of the sand grain, and it's meaningless existence set in motion. For dogs to trample and the seabirds to nest in, Relentlessly, the sand is ground until it is no more. The sand grain has no hope to change its inevitable fate, no matter where it's been. For it was born on the seafloor, and it will die on the seafloor. Now Glassblower... for a greater purpose He calls the sand, Searching for sands that He can employ for His masterpieces. Glittering in arrays of color and size, sands of quality are high in demand. He seeks out those rare few in a pursuit that never ceases. With the scoop of a trowel, He amasses His treasure, Sand so battered by the sea that no other could see their value, But only He knows their worth and measure, Because He will mold and cast the sand grain into something anew. With fire and coal, the furnace scorches with unquenchable flame, Reducing the already battered sand into molten glass, Melted together, making them indistinguishable even by name, A quality of crystal that no sand alone could surpass. An inferno was the Glassblower's chosen way, To form and create such a magnificent work of art, An irreversible beauty that cannot be taken away, Crafted from careful Hands and a patient heart, He is our Lord, and He has made us a part, In His eternal Glory, From meaningless sand grains at the start, To magnificent glass by the end of the story. -Dan
Recalibrating Faith
the source of Love and Joy from above Love - the Joyful, free, and willing mind to serve all Security - taking no account of justice or injustice, hate or Love Serving - seeking no obligations, there's no difference in a friend or enemies call. Freedom - to spend all - ALL - whether a waste or a reward is gained Oneness - waking as Christ in endless Love and sacrifice Abandon - an open and ready vessel, needing no circumstance to be explained Christian - hijacked by Love, dead to this world and all flesh to entice. Fear - he caressed my heart this morning I froze at his touch - limbs stiffened by poison Surrounded by the echoing silence - straining for Truth intoning This is the Truth! - in Perfect Love and Holy sacrifice, You sent Your Son Jesus - He came through the darkness, melting my heart. I softened to His Words spoken by a humble servant. Stability pulled back fear - Love flooded every part. How can I resist? I give up my pride - I am Your servant. Love won my heart - So happy! - Always in Jesus! You make me smile again, even if the call to Sacrifice is great. You never give me more than I can bear and Your Promise is True! Clothe me in Humility - my life is Yours to orchestrate!
I ask you to prayer God to heal my painful connective tissue illness (fibromyalgia) and strengthen my body and mind and spirit. thank you -Finland
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Please pray for a man from Finland, who has a brain disease. Pray that the God would touch him and heal him, help him and his family. Thank you for your prayers and help, the wife -Finland
Prayer request for my children.
God blessed me with 3 children. 2 son and a daughter. This year my sons will appear Board Exam in March. My sons have some problem. They study but not with full concentration and interest. They are getting less marks in the test. My elder son named Melchizedek is in class 12th. This is final year for his career. If he obtains sufficient marks then he will be qualified for medical entrance. Younger son Gabriel is in class 10th. He also follows his brother. If he doesn't get good marks this exam , he will not get science subject. We have been praying for them even with fast but we need saints prayer too. God bless you.
Moved to Different City
Thanks much for prayers regarding the move to another city. We've moved. Please ask Jesus to continue to equip us for whatever part he wants us to play in this new city.
The Blood of Jesus
"There will never be a day when I don't need the Blood of Jesus. I will never be so mature that the Blood of Jesus isn't my whole existence. There will never be a day where the Blood of Jesus is not my entire identity."
Prayer for MK
One of my customers is struggling with a pregnancy. Almost to term and they found water on the baby girl's brain. The left side of the baby's brain apparently did not develop or grow at all. Seems the baby girl may not live long if it even survives delivery. I'm told by a co-worker that the mother believes in God. Pray that the mother be kept safe and that her faith can grow through an incredibly tough situation and that His will be done in the little girl's life.
Man who fell went back to hospital
Hi, please pray for a man who fell and hit his head. He has 3 girls and wife. He went back to the hospital and they found that he has a spot on his brain that is still bleeding. Please pray for all of them?
Prayer for a new Christian
Please pray for me! I am a new Christian and I feel the "giants in the land" tearing at me all day long. Every day seems to end with an eruption of my old self. I keep telling myself and Jesus that I AM a New Creation and I am not bound to my sin any longer. I feel like my days are full of bad choices and poor decisions. All I know to do is to tell Jesus I am so sorry and I love Him and He is Lord and ask Him to please help me. Please ask Jesus to open the floodgates of his Spirit on me to See as He sees.
Shyam B
I'm shyam please pray for me
Would you guys be praying for us, we've been living in this city for 6 years now and feel like Jesus may be wanting us to move to another city. It doesn't make a lot of sense to us. We don't want to use our own minds to try and figure it out. We just want to follow Him. Thank you!
Prayer for family situation.....
i moved back in with my parents not too long ago, and have noticed a destructive pattern of negative, and condescending, comments, and controlling/ manipulative behavior from my father toward my mother (and i at times). They both are viewed as spiritual pillars where they attend services, and are part of the leadership there. But, based on Jesus' Teaching, there is a definite reason to wonder about true Biblical Conversion or the Spirit's Life. Because of a clinging to a strong militaristic identity which badly distorts his view of God, the Word, and himself, i don't often have spiritual conversations with my father. Because of his decision to attend several different facilities over the years, neither of them have any deep or trusting relationships that they could draw from for help. Please pray...
For the Bride
A gift from a few in California to Jesus' people around the globe :) Watch youtube video
otis playing church
Several months ago, we started meeting w/a group of people, a few who seem dear and sincere for Jesus. Abt the same time, my youngest daughter got a hamster and she named him Otis. Even i enjoy watching him play in his little house. An observation of the former and latter is that playing church is like being a hamster on a wheel. No matter what he does to find his food or look for an escape route, etc...he always returns to his wheel and runs faster. Maybe he's rethinking his plans, or not thinking at all, (or doesn't know what else to do) but nonetheless, he always returns to his wheel. He runs hard all night, but goes nowhere, except perhaps to his death. (sometimes they run themselves to death,addicted to 'their wheel') [Of course there are those who are working hard in those environments and who will "sell all for the pearl" given the Opportunity.]
Luke 14:26-33
Counting the cost *is* counting what we will give up for Jesus. But it's also seeing the cost of NOT following him. Seeing that we can't build the tower, that we will not be able to finish it on our own. Or considering, with our ten thousand troops, whether we really think we can fight against God, who is coming with "twenty thousand." And instead, choosing to surrender and "ask conditions of peace." Our surrender is not based on, "Well I finally decided that I was ready to lay down all these things I wanted (it was really hard, but Jesus is worth it...)." It's more like, "Wow, what a fool I would be to think I could ever do this on my own! Jesus, come, take over my heart. I don't even want these other things anymore. They're petty and worthless compared to You!"
Please pray for young mother
Young mother had a bad fall which injured her kidney and caused internal bleeding. Had open surgery and found her liver is now infected and she's running a very high fever that won't abate. Please pray for Jesus will in her and her family's lives. Whatever the outcome.
about the two boys
Thanks to all who have helped ask God about the situation! The parents of the boys have asked for help and will hopefully be moving into a house instead of into the woods. However, the youngest boy had to go to the hospital today.... They are doing more tests on him in the hospital. Will you please help ask God that he will be ok? He is 12....
Please pray for two boys
Please help us ask Jesus for two boys. They are in a very bad situation: their father has become violent, with drugs in the mix. Pray that the two boys will hold onto and remember what they have heard of God and His Love and Truth. The parents are about to move into the woods, in the middle of winter, planning to live off food stamps. Asking God to show us how we can help them; I know He can make the parents willing to accept help for their sons, even though they have shown no willingness thus far.
Make Him Glad
Heard this song and was reminded of the last post, rejoicing for those who have come to Jesus and praying for those others, and others I know, to relinquish all to Him and be made truly Glad, and to make Him Glad! I heard the voice Jesus say come unto me and rest, Lay down thou weary one lay down your head upon my breast, I came to Jesus as I was, weary, worn, and sad, I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad, I heard the voice of Jesus say behold I freely give, The living water thirsty ones stoop down and drink and live, I came to Jesus and I drank of that life giving stream, My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in him, I heard the voice of Jesus say I am this dark world's light, Come unto me your morn shall rise and all your days be bright, I looked to Jesus and I found in Him both Star and Son, and in that line of life I'll walk till all my days are done!
God is Good!
Thanking Jesus and so happy. Another new child was reborn tonight. The sixth new believer in 2 months! He is so faithful and so patient. Very special to see Him working here. Thank You! P.S. Please be praying for all the new creations! And those on the other side still seeking!
Thanks so much for praying for my daughter and I. We are doing better, the fever is gone. Some of the symptoms will take a while to heal, but I know God will keep His hand on us and continue healing us.
Hi family, if you could lift me and my daughter who is 8 up to our Father. We both have pneumonia and we are pretty sick. I really miss her floating around here dancing to Songs of Love and War. She loves that CD. Thanks, in my Fathers hand...
Thank you all for your prayers!!! My friend Kim who was in critical condition is being released from the hospital today:) Praise God!!!!!
Could you all lift up a friend of mine to our Father Her name is Kim she has three young children and is in critical condition right now.
Thanks,Encouraged and Prayer Request
Shalom to all of you.i thank God for internet connection and this site which Lord provided me. i had sent u p r for my children's study and selling for my mom's house.i give all glory to my Father and Saviour. I thank Lord because He gave me task of praying through this site. i was alone but now with the fellowship of saints,Thank you Jesus,Thank you ABBA. Pray for souls , which we need for fellowship. from a long time we need fellowship.i thank to saints who prayed for these.God bless them. God bless to this site and people who are joint with this.Pl. also pray for my spiritual growth.Pl.pray for salvation of my brother's family and sister's family. With love yours in Him
Thanks and prayar request
All dear brothers and sister in LORD JESUS Greetings to u all in the most powerful name of our Saviour JESUS. i m very happy to knew that Lord heard one of my prayer and that is selling of my mom's house.It has passed a year and price was best.we were very disturbed due to that house.Whenever i remember this thing i started to giving thanks to FATHER andHIS SON JESUS. i also thanks to all of you.No doubt our FATHER is so Mercyful toward meek person.i am so sorry because i couldn't connect with you all because of poor internet pray for my children's salvation and growth in their study. GOD BLESS u all. i need incouragement through His Words. With love yours in Him
Asking for prayer for a hardened heart
Could you please pray that i still be able and want to soften my stubborn and hardened heart, and want to take full responsibility for my sins and rebellions, die to myself and to the misery of wanting the easier and less painful ways, and humble myself again before the Lord, to Whom i have once given my life over? I wish to love Him again with my whole heart and being, as at the time of my first love, but my rebellions have consequences in my soul and faith, and it seems so hard to fully trust in Him. Could you, please ask Him to help me trust Him and love Him? Thank you!
Prayer for the rest of the family
My oldest daughters recent wanderings has greatly affected her sister and two younger brothers. Please pray for wisdom in protecting the younger while reaching out to the older as she softens and seems to want some reconciliation. Father I need Your discernment and for you to parent me. -l
Please please will you pray for a man
Please please will you pray for a man who has been living numb to God for a dozen years but who is starting to care a little? Please ask God to bring him clarity, conviction, and the desire to be open and humble and honest? That Jesus WILL have the victory? There seems to be a window open for him right now but so in need of prayers for him to step through it.
Redemption's Song
The Beauty of it all, the Mystery I am undone, to my knees I fall What once was locked, it is now opened And now only Love, where once I mocked. I now ask again, how can this be? Your Love I can't explain, you took the shame of men Your Mercy is so great, I'm weighed down Relentless Love, You gave in place of hate. So now You've got me, I'm all yours I'm ready to be used, for now I can see I rise up from the ashes, beyond grateful Marching orders in hand, my old life passes. Each day it's clearer, who I'm called to be I'm losing myself in You, as in a mirror You clothe me in white, you call be Your Bride I bow before You, and rise up in Your Might! Peace reigns in my heart, You're all there Conquering King, You saved me from despair I stand before You, Your ambassador I'll be I walk in Your freedom, whatever You ask I'll do!!
Lovers of Him
We need prayer that Jesus might send lovers of Him to our area. It's very hard being by ourselves without any real fellowship. Thanks
Prayer for a young man...
Asking for prayer for a young man that had recently begun to take a strong interest in Jesus, yet is having to decide whether to continue on or not, as the consequences of pursuing Him is beginning to manifest itself in his household. My prayer is that even though the family ties are strong, that his heart for the Jesus-Life would be stronger, and that he would not stop pursuing his interest in Him. Thanks:)
Scene from a movie-Inspiration on multiple levels :)
One man is desperately fighting his worst fear and enemy in mortal combat. His best friend shows up and everything stops—suddenly everything is alright and the evil has lost it's power. The enemy says, "That's not fair! Now there's two of you!" The best friend replies, "There will always be two." I thought it was a neat shadow of the Special clarity that comes when we work together, as well as--God is always with us! Also, I want to be there like that for God: his soft child, dependent on Him and living in Him always.
Wisdom and Love to show His Beauty
I want my child to see the Beauty of Jesus. I raised her selfishly for too long and now there are obvious weeds in her character that she doesn't care much to get rid of. I have repented and am seeking every day for wisdom and Windows to her heart. She is still quite young. Please pray for Wisdom and creativity and love for myself and God's Family I have around me to help show her the Beauty of Jesus. I believe it can all change and Jesus will shine! Thank you!
Faith!! :)
I recently read of how Jesus healed those ten men with leprosy but only one returned and had faith...Today I was realizing how I've been seeing recent and past failures as a burden and I'd been struggling to rise from them. This was unbelief because it wasn't complete trust--faith that Everything about my life is wrapped up in Jesus' victory over sin. I thought of the story of the lepers. They were cleansed, Jesus had healed them, but only one had faith and was truly made well at his feet. I've been washed but I was looking at those failures, the walls of the pits not trusting, thinking they had the power to make me dirty, to separate me from the love of God that is in the Anointed One, Jesus. But he said nothing can do that--not height or depth, nor anything else. Romans 8:37-39 How sorry I am Jesus (along with His Saints) for not believing! Forgive me. I trust You Completely. Luke 17:11-19! He is Worthy :) "I tell you, he [Abba] will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?'" Luke 18:8
YOU Have Been So Kind to Me!
Thinking of the last post..Listened to the cd "YOU Have Been So Kind to Me!" the other day, and it was really encouraging to was talking about answering feelings of despair or depression with "Yes, But... Jesus, You've been so kind to me!" Thought it might be encouraging to others too. -a
Prayer for a difficult situation...
Though a combination of circumstances, i am in a wilderness situation. i Believe that Abba is Faithful to ALL of His Promises, and that He is able to bring me all the way Home. At this point though, i need His Miraculous Intervention and Provision in parting the "Red Sea" of finances, housing, and healing; as well as the Grace, Faith, Strength and Trust to keep my eyes on Him, and not be distracted by the current difficulties. Please pray with me--in MUCH of difficulty at this time...Thanks:)
Prayer to be faithful
Please, pray I will be a faithful follower of Jesus. He gave me relationship with true lovers of Jesus but I have not really looked to Him, so the relation was false from my side. I was immature and I grieved God and His people. I want to go forward in repentance and humility. Thanks to you all. -m
heard 4/4/18 on radio
heard 4/4/18 on radio, T. Evans saying how every yr. in seminary he felt he lost another degree of fire (passion ). Said it's 1 thing to have the city's legal code, but when you're in trouble you want a policeman. Ok to have it in a book, but you need it Personified.
Good news for the mom of 3
Hi! Thanks SOO much for helping ask Father about the situation. The mom has had tests run and the doctors are pretty sure the cancer has not spread and are planning surgery soon to remove the cancer that is there. They are very thankful to Jesus for this gift! Thanks again for all the prayers. :)
Prayer for Strength
Please I need a strength prayer, so I can die to myself and live in Jesus. I need to trust him more. I left my sins behind but I need to trust him completely and not worry what's coming next...too many worries about how I will be received. Please help me to be fulfilled of him.
Your Labor is not in Vain
"So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm. Do not be moved! Always be outstanding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1Cor 15:58)
Prayer for Jordon
Brothers and Sisters, we beg that you all would be praying continually for a young man named Jordon who has crossed our paths in the last few weeks. He is deeply entrenched in this world's lies and philosophies. We are holding up Jesus and His Truths to him continually. The battle for his soul is raging fiercely. Your prayers for him, and ultimately our Slain and Risen Lamb receiving the reward of his sufferings would be such a blessing. At 22 years of age he has seen and partaken of much of the lust of the flesh and the pride of life and in his own words is, "bored". He is now searching for something (we know Who it is), but he doesn't know what it is yet, or is unwilling to acknowledge. Ask Father to bring him to the end of himself..... Then! it's Jesus, ah! Jesus! What a Savior and Redeemer!
From Isaiah 62
If You Have This Heart, HE Will... 5/14/2006 "Because I love Zion, because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch. The nations will see Your righteousness. Kings will be blinded by Your glory. And the Lord will give you a new name. The LORD will hold you in his hands for all to see—a splendid crown in the hands of God....Your new name will be the City of God's Delight and the Bride of God, for the Lord delights in you and will claim you as His own..."
More about the mom with cancer...
First of all, thanks for all the prayers... She and her husband have found out that what the doctors thought was kidney stones, may actually be the cancer having spread. She will be going in on Fri for another test to see whether it's the cancer having spread, or if it is kidney stones. If it is the cancer, the doctors won't do surgery. They will only do radiation and chemo. We are hoping for it to be kidney stones, but... i am hoping that all will trust whatever it is that God chooses and that all will be turning to Him in very real ways. Please continue to pray?
Thanks to all who prayed for the mom of 3
The doctor called her today (Saturday) to let her know he thinks everything is looking good from the exams yesterday and doesn't think the cancer has spread. She is praising God. :) Please continue to ask Father for her? Thank you so much!!
a mom diagnosed with cancer
If it seems good, please pray for a mother of 3 boys who has been diagnosed with cancer. She goes Tomorrow, Friday, to see if it is able to be removed easily and should get the results back by Tues. If it has moved through her body the procedure will be much worse. Pray that she will be looking to Jesus and trusting Him through this time, and that if it is God's will,that the cancer will be able to be removed more easily and not have spread?? Thank you for any and all prayers...
Notes from “Humility"
"To enter into full fellowship with Christ in His death--humble yourself. That is your one duty...Prove to God that your whole heart desires humility. Accept every humiliation, use every opportunity to humble yourself before people. Descend each day into that perfect, helpless dependence upon God. It's all in Him, not yourself trying to be humble." A. Murray
Going Deeper
Please pray I will have the courage to make the daily, moment by moment decisions to crucify my flesh for His name. I want Jesus to have all the glory from my life!! -S
prayer please
Please pray for me. My pride is something Jesus has been showing me over and over again recently. Please pray for me that I would have an aggressive heart to go after it and deal a death blow to it! I know He opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. I desperately want for Jesus' sake, to renounce it every time I see it. He has been soooo kind to me and deserves that I choose softness and humility when something is brought to my attention. Even today as I go forward after failing and coming face to face with my ugly pride yesterday, I will make choices to see myself as nothing and go forward in repentance and humility as a servant. -Leia
Bunyan's heart
"John thought about climbing that ladder, & feeling the thick noose around his neck. I am determined not to flinch a hair's breadth from death, friend. It is my duty to stand for God's Word, whether He will ever look upon me or not, or save me at the last. I'll leap off the scaffold into eternity, sink or swim, come heaven or hell. Oh Lord Jesus, if You catch me, do. If not, I still do it in your name."
Young Man needing prayer
I was recently reminded of a display I saw in Florida over 3 years ago about some children wanting to be adopted. Would you please pray for the life and future and needs of a (then) 17-year-old boy who wanted to be adopted? He said even though he was about to be 18 at the time, he still wanted to have someone to come home to. He was described by the agency as liking to talk about Jesus and sing about Jesus. I don't know his name but I know Jesus does. If people will pray for this boy (now a man), I know God is able to help him.
Recent Encouragement
Was just reminded earlier that when we go through times that we are shown the darkness in our hearts, and things that need to change in our lives, while in the midst of pressing storms, and overwhelming trials, to not give into the temptation to somehow see God wrongly in it all. That He is not a dictator, demanding perfection, and bringing a message of failure and condemnation, but rather, a loving Father, with His arms ever extended to us, with an INVITATION to walk with Him, and Grow through it all--while resting in His lap:). Not that we don't have a part to play, and that we can excuse laziness, etc. But that He Loves us, is on our side,and eager to Help us Overcome. Thanks for this song of Encouragement:). -marie
All the believers who prompted me to quit internet chat rooms and of course Jesus Christ are thanked from the bottom of my heart. -n
For Him!!
To all my brothers and sisters, I would like to share with you a challenge that leapt out at me as I was considering something Paul said in his second letter to Timothy. It's was towards the end, where he said "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing." It just really struck me that Paul could say with such assurance that, he HAD fought the GOOD FIGHT, and that he HAD run THE RACE, and that he HAD kept THE FAITH!! And with great certainty he could say that there was laid up for him a crown of righteousness! So what I was challenged with was, with what level of confidence and certainty can I/we say that we have 'fought the good fight, run the race, and kept the faith?' At the end of each day, each MOMENT, I want to be asking myself this question. How utterly sold out to Jesus and His sovereignty and Wisdom am I? Am I committed to laying down my own ugly flesh every second of every day and Agape Loving those whom He has seen fit to place me in the midst of? W ould others around me say that I am fighting the Good Fight? That I am running the Race? That I am holding onto the Faith? And am I one who has loved the appearance of the Lord? Please my family! Don't let us be found lacking in zeal and right perspective in these last days! Seek Jesus and He will be found! That's a promise! Fight the Good Fight! Run His Race! Keep the Faith!!!
Obedience why?
Many question, after salvation what next? What is sin that Jesus came to save us from? He kept the Torah, perfectly that we could not. He was/is blemish less and imparts his holiness/forgiveness on us. Gods law is to be obeyed, our breaking his commands is the sin Jesus came to save us from so we can turn and be obedient to God. May we turn to him obey because we love him.
A miracle of heart is needed for this soul. I have seen/participated in God's heart for over 13 years. But God being the patient-long suffering Saviour has been slowly showing me how much of my life-if not all-whatever He says goes-has been tied up in having a reputation-being respected-DESIRING the praises of men and when that didn't happen (by His Kind love) a deep bitter comparing jealousy and wretched critical mistrust grew unchecked- as I've been peeling back the Ambitious motives and ego building brain sin-what is left is very little desire/emotion/energy to love Jesus-without the religious fanfare-or "latest piece of information hype- I flatlined-it's been painful/embarrassingly good to see just who Jesus needs to save! I wish I knew nothing of religion. I crucified and continued to crucify Jesus all while wearing His name! Utterly sick! I relate to Simon the sorcerer who begged "please pray that the things you have said do not happen to me". I KNOW I deserve death and hell - I used to see His Goodness as a "sign" that I was ok with Him... But yesterday it dawned on me ALL THOSE IN HELL were recipients of His Goodness and it did not SAVE them! I must abandon all to Jesus who IS LORD! He isn't just all I want-He is all I have-my only way out of this pit. I WANT to be His Servant! Please Ask For His Mercy for me if you can? -S
I failed, but Jesus!
I would like to encourage some folks with something I learned yesterday. I failed miserably yesterday. I will spare folks the details, but I was very immature and ugly and grieved God and His People who were there. I repented and apologized to everyone. Later on, I was feeling a little down because I had been SO STUPID! But then I remembered Jesus! That is why He came. He came because I am a sinner and He wants to wash me clean and make me right with Him, just by His Blood, not because I do a good job and don't make mistakes. That is Good News! I was so refreshed to think of what Jesus has done, in light of my ugly failure. I hope this encourages my brothers and sisters all over the world to put their faith in Jesus ESPECIALLY when they sin. He is so good!
Made known through the Saints
Dear Bride to be! I'm asking that you would pray that Jesus would give me wisdom in making a job decision. The job would be only for a season to help get out of debt; I am not looking for a career. Pray that He would strengthen my heart to resist Worldly temptations and my own self. I do not have it all together, but with His help I am staying soft and open. May Jesus be realized in His fullest extent in each your lives, from moment to moment, decision to decision! Thank you all! I love You, Jesus! - Samantha
Pride and Selfishness
There was a rhetorical question posed recent about whether or not ______ is selfish and proud and how it damages relationships and whatever other potential they might have had in Jesus. Before I WOULD have answered quickly that I am no longer selfish and proud and would try to find right words that indicate a desire for humility. I have now been seeing that this is a cover for my undealt-with pride and selfishness, and that is so gross. I want to deal with it with the violence and godly sorrow repentance requires. Please pray that God use the appropriate tools to humble me and change me into whoever He wants me to be.
Prayer please
I'm asking for prayer that I'd not grow dull to sin and become too lazy to resist it. I've begun to realize that I've been letting 'things' and vain imaginings take the place in my heart that only Jesus should occupy. It really is a scary place to be; I truly don't want to go on like this and I know that Jesus promised us that there'd always be a way out of a temptation, that they wouldn't be greater than we could handle, but I haven't been proactive with REALLY taking hold of His Promises. Please pray that He'd show me how ugly and WRONG my sin is in the Light of His Truth! That my heart would break with the things that break His Heart. That His desires would become my desires. I see now how selfish I've been in allowing these sins to grow unhindered in my life. Selfish in that I've ceased to engage in the battle by praying for my brothers and sisters and this lost world. Please forgive me! Thank you for your prayers! - H
During my daily devotion, I felt compelled to share this...
I never could have imagined how wonderful and powerful an intimate relationship with Christ could be. Not a casual relationship of religious meetings and events and ceremonies and emergencies and running into each other, but a daily seeking and finding of His deep love for me. I wonder how many people really have that kind of relationship, it is easy to see because of the result of that daily intimacy - the fruits of the Spirit. How could I be any different within when His Holy Spirit fills me with love everyday? This is His gift to me and I accept it with gratitude and humility and awe. Kind regards, Mieke
This verse has really "warmed" my heart this morning. A little window of how good and kind our God is, and an encouragement to again find all I need in God's heart and keep perusing with Jesus' kind of endurance the narrow Way. I really desired to pass it on to all of His people too. "Now may the Lord direct your hearts toward the love of God and the endurance of Christ." (2 Thes. 3:5) -spela
Pray for me
I live in Togo. I started walking concerning the truths of the Body of Christ not long ago. Pray for me so that I may stand for the body of Christ in my community with the brothers who have recently left the denominations like me. I read one of your books "Back to the Basics" that did me much good. I want to read more. Encourage me through messages through my email. May God bless you all
je vis au Togo. j'ai commencé par marcher concernant les vérités du corps de christ ça ne fait pas longtemps. prier pour moi afin que je tienne pour le corps de christ dans ma localité avec les frères qui sont sortis des dénominations fraichement comme moi. j'ai lu un de vos livres "retour sur l'essentiel" qui m'a fait beaucoup de bien. je veux lire plus. encouragez moi par des messages sur mon email. Que Dieu vous bénisse
thanks for the site , helps encouragement and comfort
Healing - Prayer for a Young Man
Update on the young man hit by a car... he has miraculously started talking today and walking with help so he's ready to start rehabilitation. They were just talking yesterday about long term care due to still being in a coma, so God has decided different and the first thing he started talking about is Jesus!!!!! Praise God and thanks so much for your prayers
Prayer for a Young Man
He is 17 and was hit by a car and has bleeding on his brain. The doctors have performed brain surgery to stop the swelling and bleeding. His name is Cameron. He is a very special teen he has went out of his way to share Jesus with other teens at his school and to be a light where ever he goes. He has shown time and time again his love for Jesus and his desire to help others to do the same. He is still in stable but critical condition. Thanks so much.
Love Him More
The more that I have and continue to give up for Him, from dreams and desires to thoughts and opinions and preferences, my own comfort, my own time, my own 'space,' I find that He makes Himself more to me. My perspective and understanding of Him increases. This sounds so fundamental, but that's pretty much what Christianity is all about really. But it still strikes me that when I give up me, I gain Him, and I find that even though temporarily painful the giving makes me Love Him even more than before. He never fails to give back more than what was given. His heart is just so big it brings tears to my eyes to know how much He wants to transform me as an individual and His people corporately from filthy wretches to princes and princesses, presentable before the throne of His Father. He is SO amazing! I love Him more! Keep showing me Jesus the things that aren't of you, cause I love you more than anything! And I want you more than anything! 08/31/15
Life-saving analogy
Radio station recently told fact: Lifeguard has to let frantic swimmer exhaust themselves before the guard can help them. Both may drown if the floundering one doesn't come to the end of struggling in their abilities to rescue themselves. Analogy has spiritual parallels of our need to be at the end of our reactions and striving and control to be soft to Jesus saving us. -brad
Life vs. death
My youngest daughter & i were reading abt renaissance artists. A wide contrast between 2 of them really struck me. Little did they know that such a parallel would speak to a few hearts a few hundred yrs later: Michelangelo, who painted the “popes" ceiling spent 4 yrs on a platform mostly by himself, reading his bible, living in known sin, and not preferring company for most of his long life. (He sounded a bit wacko admiring his own work: in finishing his Moses sculpture, he thought it was so real that he hit it on the knee and ordered it to "stand up!" It didn't stand up, but you will see the "scar" it has from that smack!) Raphael, in contrast, enjoyed the company of many and had a large student following, who apparently had great respect for him. When Raphael was working on a piece, he only painted the most important parts of it, like faces, allowing his students to contribute in the work. The book we read said the students found it a great privilege to be able to paint even a finger of one of Raphael's masterpieces. Raphael died at 37. To have such respect for the Master & His masterpiece is the kind of heart i want, like Psalm 84:10. -mary
A song and some thoughts... :)
I listened to the song "You Are God Alone" this morning and these thoughts came from that time... just wanted to share them in case they can encourage anyone else. -mlg "As I listened to this song, i am overwhelmed by Your faithfulness to me- "through the good times and bad, You are God alone"... pursuing, drawing, teaching, disciplining.. Your Love is SO large and so unlike anything ever seen or experienced. Stubborn Love, yes, that describes You, Lord. Gentle, firm, relentless, NEVER giving up!! -How can You be all that! But You are and it brings tears to my eyes and thankful joy to my heart to know that Love is for ME! (and for each one of Your children) Please imprint Your Love in each of Your children's hearts that we will all know-no matter where we are physically or spiritually--that You will NEVER give up on us. You are GOD! Not just a name-but rich, full, meaningful, wonderful, and fearsome GOD. There is no other like You! And I Love You! -- Because You have first loved me. Great is Your Name, O God! Great is Your faithfulness to us!
Press On Amidst the Struggle
Those who hunger and thirst for His Righteousness will be filled... Jesus's promise to all of us who will choose to lay aside earthly trinkets for His Treasure today! -jim
Prayer Request
I would like to ask for prayers for a lady named Cindy. Because of a flesh-eating bacteria, she had to have both of her feet, her right hand, and some of the fingers on her left hand amputated earlier this week. She is married and has two small children. Her husband has asked for people to pray for her.
Begging for Jesus' Reality
This site has been so precious to me because of the convicting yet encouraging words written by Jesus' imprint on His saints' lives, sweat, and tears for others. Please pray that God will show Himself to me - in a way that only He can - and bring people and opportunities in my life to draw me closer to Him. I don't want to go through the motion of religion, mere words or continue in sin. I don't want to be afraid of dying to sin and my flesh. Please have mercy Jesus, and thank you for the daily encouragements that point to You - I don't want to keep hardening my heart anymore. -e
From "Keep a Quiet Heart"
For those of us who are not at the moment in pain, may we not let slip any cross Jesus may present us, any little way of letting go of ourselves, any smallest task to do with gladness and humility, any disappointment accepted with grace and silence. These are His appointments. If we miss them here, we'll not find them again in this world or any other. (from a book by Elisabeth Elliot-- words that gripped me this morning--may they not fade away!) -mary
Speaking of how Kind He's been...
After the recent "So Kind!" album and song, this verse struck me in a new way today: "Through Him then let us CONTINUALLY offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our LIPS, acknowledging His name!" (Hebrews 13:15) -m
Awesome our God is
The words of this song stood out to me in a very real way, striking me with the absolute power and wonder of our God who has given us everything that 'pertains to life and Godliness.' I stand before you now, The greatness of your renown, I have heard of the Majesty and wonder of you, King of heaven, in humility I bow CHORUS As your love in wave after wave, Crashes over me, crashes over me, For you are for us, You are not against us, Champion of heaven, You made a way for all to enter in I have heard you call my name, I have heard the song of love that you sing, So I let you draw me out beyond the shore, Into your grace, Your grace; CHORUS; BRIDGE, You make me brave, You make me brave, You call me out beyond the shore into the waves, You make me brave, You make me brave, NO FEAR CAN HINDER NOW THE LOVE THAT MADE A WAY, You make me brave, you make me brave, You call me out beyond the shore into the waves, You make me brave, You make me brave, No fear can hinder now the promises you made, no fear can hinder now the love that made a way, You make me brave! The words reminded of an MP3 that had to do with standing on the hood of a car in perfect peace, not in a prideful arrogant way, but in trust and worship of our God who is ever to be praised! -m
Isaiah 42
I read Isaiah 42 this morning, and it spoke to me personally about God's plan for His Son and His people and things He wishes to do on the earth. I would like to pass it on as an encouragement to read. It really is pleasing to God to worship, and listen to His Son Jesus in whom He wrapped all things! -s
He is our PEACE
This text message was an encouragement to me some time ago, while praying for similar Things: "'He is our PEACE...In His body He has made us ONE by breaking down the wall of hostility that KEPT US APART. He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, SO THAT He could create one new humanity in Himself. So He made peace. He brought us back to God in one body by His cross, on which He killed the hostility.' (Eph. 2:14-16)....Not only did He destroy the power of sin, and the penalty of sin, but through the Power of the Cross, He has purchased, empowered and assured our Oneness with Him and with ONE ANOTHER:)..."
A desire to followship with organic belivers
Please pray for me to connect with a body of believers that loves JESUS With all of their hearts and live daily lives together with JESUS as the one true boss and leader...
You're here for Him
You're here, for a little while. You're here to fulfill a purpose. You're here on borrowed time. You're here to prepare a Bride. It's not your life. It's not your time. It's His life. It's His Time! Give it all away. Surrender everything you hold. Nothing better than to die today. Let your love for Him make you bold. You're here for His Will. You're here for His purpose. You're here in His Time. You're here to be His Bride. This life is His. This moment is His. Now live His Life. Melt into His Moment. Look into their eyes. See the one who holds the stars. He's in your brothers and sisters hearts. Serve them, and you're serving Him.
Traditions nullify the Word
Statistics show that in a street fight, someone who is a black belt in any martial art will usually lose or be killed, UNLESS one is willing to step outside of convention and tradition and "honor" to get the job done. The "traditional" methods for learning self defence mean nil in the real world. They only really work when it is against a like/or trained opponent. Spiritual application? The traditions of men will never accomplish Gods goals period. They may look good, the technique and "moves" but they are useless against the enemy. If we aren't willing to let the Lord train His army in the use of His weapons of righteousness, then His goals won't be reached through us. He has promised victory over sin and satan, IF we will do it His way and not try to rely on formulas and will power, or...fill in the blank. I want to take advantage of a promised victory, humbly in obedience to His ways. What a Loving Father we serve... :) For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. 1 John 5:4
If the value of my words Was to be measured by the lost, If all that my lips have uttered Was given a telling cost... If I spoke with profound eloquence Resorting to a dictionary to gain words of mystery, Would I amount to more than just some pence? Would my worth be tallied by my etiquette and delivery? I want wisdom to be the value of my words To tell of things that ears have not heard Being the sheep that follows its Shepherd Who lived with no beauty or majesty Yet, whose words rang with authority Baffling the minds of the vast majority If the words that I say Come directly from my Lord, They'll not be idle, they show us His way They will pierce as a two-edged sword My Jesus I offer my lips to thee Provide your wisdom for them to speak, For if my words do naught but an eyebrow raise Then how can it be that I offer You praise? Lord draw my heart deep into Thine Ignite my spirit, inflamed for Yours, May my utterances tell of Your love divine 'til my vocabulary is no longer grounded, but in You it soars!
A plea for selflessness
This is a cry and plea for prayer, that I would stand firm in Jesus' victory over sin, and renounce vain imaginings, self consciousness, and lay on the altar! I want to! Please pray that, the enemy and my own heart would silence. I am very weak but I know that I can be, and am strong - in Christ! For My Dear Brother, and His Beloved Bride!
Prayer for children and other
Dear saints of Jesus, Greetings to u all in the Most Honorable name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God. Please pray for my children that God might fill them with the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, speed in study, skillness in work and faith over LORD in every situation, also pray for selling for mom's house. God bless you all. Glory to Father and the Son.
Comforted by God
"Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Cor. 1:3-4) Reading this made me ask what is "the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God" and soon realized: to hide and find my life in Jesus. This title below has really helped me in the middle of difficult situation and get the Right perspective and I pray it would do so to all. "Some Motivation for Hiding Our Life in Jesus"
God be glory...
God be glory to discover you and for your sacrifice of work for our Lord jesus. I need your prayer for believers here and all who serve the love of God because jesus is lord and is coming soon. God bless you in love of his son jesus christ.
God's Invitation
As I was praying for the needs on this page this morning I was reminded of this verse: "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."(Heb 4:16) God's invitation to come to Him and the strength of His character has meant so much to me yesterday and this morning and I wished to pass it on to all. -s
Hey everyone this is Michael and I need some earnest prayers for me to obtain the strength and keep the strength for Jesus' sake and for my fiancé. Please give us some earnest prayers. Thank you all very much and God bless you all and may our praise to you God be multiplied.
Prayer for God's Will
hi, I just want to ask for prayer regarding a relationship - We are both asking God to show us His will if we should get married. Neither of us want to go by human emotions, but to seek out God's will for our lives and future. Would very much appreciate prayer, thank you -k
i give You my life again this morning...
This email came to mind yesterday, and today, and i told God this for me, too. Just wanted to share it after the email this morning. -maria ***I Give You My Life Again This Morning... 12/31/2002 "I recognize that all I am and have is the Almighty's. He could in one instant change the whole course of my life. [This] is a lesson in acceptance, not of blind resignation, but of believing acceptance, that what God does is well done [and for my ultimate good]. So, Father, with happy committal I give you my life again this morning--not for anything special, simply to let You know that I regard it as Yours. Do with it as it pleases You, only give me great grace to do [and obey with a glad heart] for the glory of Christ Jesus whatever comes to me." (Jim Elliott) 9:27 a.m.
re: truth hunt or witch hunt
Reading the comments on this letter, reminded me of J McDonald ( i think ) on radio, speculating that the gnashing of teeth in hell wouldn't necessarily be the penitent, but maybe the occupants were so hardened they still were vehemently hating God. --see people as they really are, & the consequences of hardened hearts -b
Pray for Nigeria
Help us pray for Nigeria that God will stop the activities of the boko haram terrorist group and that God will heal every wounded heart so that forgiveness will not be hamper and there will be flow of the gospel there. -t
I want to give my life to jesus
I am musliem from syria want to believe in jesus. -a
Obtain the Goal
Saw an interesting quote yesterday, not sure who said it, but I think that the application is obvious. "You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course." For Jesus followers wanting to be more and more like their King, we must not deviate from the course set out for us by Jesus, letting nothing distract us in order to reach the Goal. Pressing forward, fully persuaded, never looking back, undeterred, whole heartedly abandoned to His will. I'm going.... :)
Prayer for the Kingdom to come on this world.... Jesus pray Thy Kingdom Come Thy will be done on Earth. prayer for the Kingdom to come
Hi Dear Friends thanks for your wonderful site, as I am Livings In Bangladesh In a Muslim country, sometime life become very difficult to lead our spiritual way of life, because here nothing is possible without any bribe money,and Illegal way, so as I am trying to go out of this country and do a Job.pls pray for my situation and help me,thanks -u
Hi There, Needing prayer for an internal bleeding issue, (could be stress related from certain work-place conditions), complicated by another health issue. Don't have a doctor or health insurance--only work part-time, and can't afford to take time off.
Prayer for Family
My wife and I need a family but the "Christian church" in our area is living the world's standards. It is a Hollywood quality at best. We need prayer for the Lord to find us and make us Family.
Prayer for my dad
Just wanted to ask for prayer for my dad. He has had an accident and is in the hospital with breathing tubes and fluid build up and his neck is broken. There is some tension amongst relatives and the drs have differing opinions.. Please ask God to help his infection to go away and swelling to go down and that he could come off of breathing machine soon so that the surgeon could operate on his neck. Also peace for everyone involved and that unbelieving relatives would soften their hearts toward Jesus through this. Thank you very much -a
Faith is beyond your 5 senses
from T.E.: Faith- act on what God says even if you think differently. devil makes unreal seem real, but feelings have no intellect ( can't be led by our emotions ) We put-down God, in effect "you are not trustworthy" when we have more confidence in self than Him. "live beyond your 5 senses, not without them" (isn't this to live by the Sense God gives, which transcends solely functioning in the fleshly 5 ?) -brad
The Goodness of God
When GOD closes a door, He opens a Window....When there is weeping in the night, JOY comes in the morning....Remember Job--He lost so much, and yet God gave him SO MUCH MORE!!!! He IS Faithful and True, AND YOU CAN REALLY TRUST HIM!!! He KNOWS what He's doing!!! Amen??!!:).
Hi all just wanted to say praise God and for His love, compassion and patience with us:) God was definitely with my husband during back surgery and he is doing great. Thanks so much for everyone's prayers. Love in the precious name Jesus
Combined Effort
I have recently started a site, the info you provide on this website has helped me tremendously. Thanks for all of your time & work. "The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual." by Vince Lombardi
These lyrics were "carrying me along" yesterday, during a time of receiving some difficult news. But it's going to be okay, JESUS IS STILL ON THE THRONE!!!.... i trust in His Love and Faithfulness and Goodness.... it's REALLY going to be OKAY!!!!.... The Dreams you've stored for all these years shattered and blown across the floor of your heart....Stand The Blood that covers you is stronger than the tears you've cried The Love that carries you lives longer than the years you've tried to Stand... The Jesus in you is stronger than walls no body else can climb, the clouds are dark but the sun still shines... When you've done all that you can do, set your face to the Promised Land and Stand.... Every Dream that will come True, every scar that will be Healed, Beauty that has so far been hidden now will be Revealed... Thanks Again, and May God Bless You All.... :) -m
Good morning, I am Cláucia... I live in...Brazil. From 2009 I have been having contact with the literature of the brothers of cities who post this website. I serve to Mister Jesus 32 years ago, from these 15 years in denomination and 17 out of denomination. But, it is from 2009 that I have been impactada with the Reality of the Kingdom and not accept to be simply a regular visitor of meetings and groups of prayer, but living of day by day as Jesus did and his converts did and do. I am very grateful hearing what God really wants. Hearing his plans and purposes. Thank you very much. I am praying for you and all. I have much that to learn, but I am disposed continuing with a deep and healthy relationship with Jesus and his Body in (Brazil) and persons walking in Fact of the Kingdom. I need his prayers not to weaken. And to continue with this marvelous journey in FACT with JESUS. With love, Cláucia
The Maker of The Day
Appreciated the lyrics of this Mark Harris song, Stronger in the Broken Places, "No matter what I face ( I can press on/trust) cause I know the Maker of the Day"
"Worry is a poor use of your imagination" -heard from grocery store worker
Surrender & His Love
Thank you both for posting these things - been recently undergoing some major Discipline in the need to clean up several areas of my life. It was refreshing and encouraging to be reminded of His Love, and that I'm not alone :). Thanks...
Thank you for this prayer wall. My husband and I need unity in the power of the HOLY surrender all earthly things...and be transformed daily...healing...cleansing, deliverance, to seek Jesus with all our thoughts and hearts desires. To walk with HIM every way... May Jesus be glorified in our lives... -Beth
His Love
Though weary, tired, faint, His Love is my constraint; Though rocky be my road, His Live will be my goad; Though fear as mountains all around, His Love towards me abounds; Though feeble, foolish, restless, His Love in me is priceless; Though I fail so many times, His Love has no record of my crimes; Though I stand so inadequate, His Love is still my advocate; Though oft I cause grief, His Love is my relief; And though I fade and wither, Your Love my God, remains forever!
Prayer request for a neighbor
I have a neighbor who's son lives with her. (He) isn't a believer, (and) fell yesterday and ended up being taken to a hospital. He was not responding by the time they got him to the hospital. He has pneumonia and they did a scan of his head but she hasn't gotten the results from that yet. Would you help us ask Father for healing, to give him another chance to give his life to Jesus? -maria
i want to give my life to jesus
i Mary, want to give my life to jesusu. i want to preach his gosple tell, the whole world that God Liveth. -AM
Father, your words are like white heat
Burning me alive, yet I am not consumed
They are like a powerful wind filling my sails
Yet I am not swept away
I have only wandered on the edges of truth
Traversing a border but not yet immersed
What shall happen to me when I am filled?
What shall become of me when I am fit to burst?
The idols shake and tremble
And lifelong foundations crumble
What are my fleshly desires next to this burning fire?
Your will has such a force, such a pull
Your commands are clear to see whenever I look
And they claim precedence over ALL comers
Your Will be Done!
Your will SHALL be done!
And all who look on you will tremble, and carry out your commandsYour ways are like fresh water
And when I taste them I cry tears of longing
All that separates you from those whom you deserve
Breaks my heart in great pain
But I am not crushed
Your words are a white hot fire!
Yet I am not consumed
A powerful wind
But I am not swept away
You are gentle
But I cannot properly define what gentleness is
For your mercy and justice is laced with violence and blood
But I will never question you
And I will never doubt you
You are a great and powerful Lord
The God of Kings
And creator of everything I admire
You will be my measuring rod
Of all that is true
Your voice will be the sound to which I tune my music
You are the great provider
Unlike any other
May all my actions be
A starry-eyed first- love echo of YOU -EmilyYoung One Update
She has been with him for about 2 weeks as of Aug. 16. We've spoken a couple times to her relatives living near us-they've talked to her on the phone a few times, but haven't seen her. We did get to see her before she left, she was pretty distressed. We're learning through this to really trust God as we're crying out for her and to hold out hope for her because of Him, not circumstances. Another way you can be praying for her is that she would know deep down, that Jesus is very alive and loves her. Many thanks to all who have been praying for her. We can't express enough our gratitude. The battle has been intense. -ML&C
Young One
I was wondering if you've heard anything more about the young girl who was being sent to live with her dad, and how it worked out. -Angie
Hey I am suffering and my symptoms are not good. I never feel good at all. Please ask Jesus to cure me. Thanks in advance.:)
Plea for humility
Please be asking Jesus concerning my pride. It is something that constantly wants to rear it's ugly head (often though I don't recognise it), and I don't want to function that way, it is as unlike Jesus as is possible and I want to overcome it through Him and for His sake. More of Him less of me. All the glory belongs to Him. All I want is to be a "lover of the Truth and so be saved" from myself when those in my life who care for me bring it to my attention. I need to be soft and listen for my Masters voice and when He's speaking through His people. -Rebekah
9 months ago my husband lost his job of 32yrs due to company down-sizing. Please pray for God to open a door for new employment and for continued patience to be given to us as we search and seek His Will. Standing firm on the promise of Jer. 29:11-14. -Becky
Thanks for the prayer journal page!
I've been really thankful recently that you've put the prayer journal on the website and just wanted to say "Thank you". :) It's been very helpful to me. -mlg
Real Life Exists
Just want to start off by saying that this site has been God sent to me. I daily immerse myself with books, letters, "with you now" msgs etc found on your site - it's as if God used to confirm what He started in my life by showing me that this exists, this Real Life exists and that I wasn't going crazy upon first learning His Truth from the Bible. -y
Young one in our neighborhood
A young girl whom we've had a lot of opportunities to share Jesus with is being sent to live with her delinquent dad next week. He lives in the deep inner city. We're very concerned for her safety, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Please pray with us that Jesus would protect her and change the minds and hearts of the adults involved. -ML&C
This world's ashes
As a diamond amongst ashes so is the Jesus' Bride. So Shine!
2 Corinthians 4:7-12 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but LIFE is at work in you (plural)!" Shine, oh Victorious Bride! Shine! -RC
Pray: relentlessly, urgently
Please pray for us to be relentless in change of our hearts & to impart that to our daughters. Oldest is in much turmoil, frustration mostly due to dad's softness on his sin & lack of leadership. -Brad
Hey Missy:) Be encouraged--Jesus has a Plan in it all!!! Keep your eyes on Him, no matter what else is happening all around you, and expect the unexpected!!!! We're praying for you:) Psalm 33:1-22
He's ALIVE - That's Why!
Hi, not sure how to say this..but something is said at the beginning of this video clip on your site, and has been on my mind for days-( "You're coming to a Person. You're not coming to an organization. Or to a doctrine. Or to a group of people, even. You're coming to Jesus."
I just wanted to say thank you very much to the Family there (and in other cities too) for holding up Jesus.
i would like to ask for prayer concerning my husband, who has been practically bedridden since May. God has been walking us through this very difficult time and loving us all the way. my husband needs to have back surgery and he can't get into an initial visit until September. -missy
Encouragement to Faithfulness
Thanks for the encouragement to persevere.:) An encouraging article, "Successful Child Rearing" from this site about what God considers success in relationships with children or adults was very practical for me. -bc
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."--Vivian Green "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"--Neale D. Walsh -Brad
Concerning His Promises :)
Just wanted to encourage those that are currently calling out to God for Salvation of loved ones, Deliverance, Healing, Relationships, Provision, etc... sometimes for several years or decades, and are a bit weary. "Be patient....See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop....You too, be patient and stand firm....We count as blessed those who have persevered." (Jas. 5:7-11) "Let us hold unswervingly to the Hope we profess, for He who Promised is faithful." May the Lord Bless and Strengthen You All... -marie
AMEN to the prayer about healers :)!!!! Since January of this year, Father has been challenging me to offer prayer (also in secret) for the healing of customers where i work. There have been a handful of reported healings--with Faith to Believe Him for many, many more!!! May the Lord Bless you for your Faith and Obedience in "stirring the pot" :).... Zech.12:10a, Matt.6:6 Matt.17:20b-c, Eph.4:4-6
The suffering of Christians in North Korea
The current leader of North Korea is reportedly guilty of imprisoning and torturing 30,000 Christians. His name is Kim Jong Un. It would be Powerful for Believers around the world to pray for Un, [that he would be Converted and bow before King Jesus] and become a "Paul" to the North Korean People :). -ma
Last fall I cried out to God for Him to bring healers into His field. Friends started calling to ask if I prayed to heal them while visiting because their problems vanished. I did secretly, I confess. The Lord says we can do anything we have permission from Him to do! -sh
Daily TRUE Church
Ironically, this video has nothing REALLY to do with format or method, and everything to do with how we view Jesus and Life and the World around us - in our DAILY lives. Let's BE! See the video here: English Español Français Deutsch Português
Thank You!
On behalf of saints in four US states and on three continents who have been working on this site, thank you SO much for your patience as we're working out bugs (let us know if you see problems that don't go away quickly!). And mostly thank you who love and live Jesus from all over this small world of ours and have the heart and courage with a LIVING Jesus to CHANGE the World, for Him!